Find Your Place & Purpose!

GrowTrack Step Three

GrowTrack Step Three is designed to help you discover your purpose. You'll gain understanding of the details of your personality, discover your gifts and talents, and see how your design reveals your purpose in life and your best fit for helping others.

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GrowTrack Step Three

How to take the Assessments

Personality Assessment:

Step 1: Answer each question under sections 1–4 by circling the number that best describes you. Allow yourself two to three minutes to complete this step before moving to other steps

Step 2: Add the total of circled numbers for the five statements under each section. Write each total on the indicated total line for each section.

Step 3: Identify the group with the highest totaled number and the second highest totaled number to discover your dominant personality traits.

  • Box 1 = “D” personality
  • Box 2 = “I” personality
  • Box 3 = “S” personality
  • Box 4 = “C” personality

Write your dominant personality traits sequence in the top right hand corner (DI, ID, SC, CD, etc.).

Step 4: Read the description of your most predominant personality trait (D, I, S, C) and the description of your two highest personality traits together (DI, ID, SC, CD, etc.).

Spiritual Gifts Assessment:

Step 1: Respond to the spiritual gifts statements on pages 60-61 by writing the number that indicates how each statement describes you in the blanks on page 62:

1 – Almost never
2 – Sometimes
3 – Almost always

Allow yourself six minutes to answer all questions before moving on to other steps.

Step 2: Add each line left to right and place the totaled number in the total column.

Step 3: Identify your three highest totaled numbers with the corresponding letter and the spiritual gift it represents (listed on the pages following the assessment).

Step 4: Read about your gifts and connect with a team or Outreach Group that complements your personality, highest rated spiritual gifts, and availability to serve.

GrowTrack - Step 3 Answer Key

  • Believe; Belong; Become
  • Build
  • Personality; Spiritual Gifts; Opportunities
  • D, I, S, C
  • Extrovert; Task; People; Introvert
  • Holy Spirit; produce fruit; steward gifts
  • Reach others
What We Believe
If you need assistance or have questions, please call the GrowTrack team at 863-859-6000 or email