The Daily Walk

Study Through the Bible in 2024

The Daily Walk includes devotion and Bible readings for each day of the year and informative charts and insights that will help you understand more as you read from Genesis to Revelation in 2024.

April 16-30, 2024
April 17

1 Chronicles 17–21

David’s Kingdom Expanded

Key Passage: 1 Chronicles 17–18

Walk Thru the Bible


While David enjoys a cedar palace, God's ark resides in a mere tent—a fact that prompts David to contemplate a monumental building project. Even the prophet Nathan encourages David in his God-honoring ambition. But then, through the prophet, God delivers a ringing “You are not the one” (17:4) along with a heartwarming promise of an ongoing dynasty and an eternal kingdom for David’s descendants. However, David, the mighty man of war, must leave the fulfillment of his dream to his son Solomon and concentrate instead on enlarging the kingdom God entrusted to him.

Your Daily Walk

Consider the following contrasts taken from the lives of a father and son: David and Solomon.

David was a man of war; Solomon was a man of peace. David dreamed of building the temple; Solomon erected and dedicated the temple.

God told David, “I will not give you what you asked for.” Solomon was told, “I will give you what you did not ask for.” Yet, despite the differences in their lives, there is one resounding similarity: Both men glorified God in their lifetimes.

There is something far more painful than being denied a cherished dream or ambition, and that is undertaking the ambition anyway, only to find that God is not in it. Has God set up a red light in your path? And are you ignoring the signal or looking for alternate routes to His glory? Each time you stop for a red light today, commit one of your dreams or goals to God. Where He has put a period, don’t put a question mark.

Insight - No Cover-Up Intended!

David’s sin with Bathsheba and his subsequent murder of Uriah took place between 20:1 and 20:2. In his intention to focus on themes of true worship and true kingship in the nation’s history, the Chronicler was selective in his choice of material. He omitted details of David’s private life, not because he wanted to whitewash the past, but because he knew those incidents were already known and recorded.


April 18

1 Chronicles 22–27

David’s Worship Organized

Key Passage: 1 Chronicles 22–23

Walk Thru the Bible


Though David’s desire to build a house for God must wait, nothing keeps him from preparing for it. He chooses the most appropriate site (the threshing floor of Ornan), gathers the building materials, charges his son Solomon to finish the task, and enlists the support of all the key men in Israel. Then, he outlines the 24 orders of priests, 24 divisions of singers and musicians, gatekeepers, treasurers, and other officeholders who will oversee the military and civil affairs of the nation in its new place of corporate worship.

Your Daily Walk

What are you doing today to help your children accomplish great things for God tomorrow?

David is a marvelous example of a farsighted father. The greatness that Solomon would later achieve was largely due to David's careful planning and provision before his own death. Though Solomon received acclaim for building the temple, which bears his name, David drew the blueprints, gathered the materials, signed up the workers, and instituted a vigorous public relations program to ensure support for the project. In his heart, David envisioned greatness for Solomon that he himself would never achieve, and he did his best to pave the way for it.

What sort of heritage will you leave for your children and even your grandchildren to build upon? Will they someday be able to thank God for your farsightedness in building a library, providing for their education, or instilling a vision for ministry that they can continue after you are gone? Plan a “Project for Future Greatness” and begin it this week.

Insight - An Ironic Twist to the Priestly Office

In chapter 24, the priests were divided into 24 orders or “divisions” for service in the temple. They were called “officials of God” (v. 5) and had charge of the sacrifices. Their work was to cease with the coming of Christ, but ironically, it was the priests themselves who engineered the crucifixion of Christ (Matthew 27:1, 6, 20, 41).


April 19

1 Chronicles 28–29

David’s Kingdom Passed On to Solomon

Key Passage: 1 Chronicles 29:22-30

Walk Thru the Bible


Today’s reading forms a fitting conclusion to the life of David, for here he is portrayed in all his wisdom and humility as David the counselor, encourager, exhorter, and worshiper. In sharp contrast to the bitter infighting and civil unrest that characterized David’s ascension to the throne, Solomon’s ascension is attended by national worship and rejoicing. Even David’s death cannot dampen the mood of optimism and thanksgiving the nation feels for the godly leadership they enjoy. The crowning epitaph of David’s life is that “he died at a good old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth and honor” (29:28).

Your Daily Walk

The saddest contradiction to the Christian life is all too often the average Christian funeral. While grief is a necessary part of any loved one’s passing, the Christian has cause for rejoicing when a brother or sister in Christ is finally “away from the body and at home with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8). There is hope and comfort in those words that the world knows nothing about.

The one sermon you can be sure everyone important to you will hear is the one preached over your casket. Have you thought about the words you want spoken on that occasion? Will those in attendance hear a clear presentation of the good news of Jesus Christ? Will they find out why you could face death fearlessly, knowing it would bring you face to face with your Lord?

Jesus Christ turned every funeral He ever attended into a cause for celebration. The morbid wailing of the mourners would be cut short by the miraculous life-giving touch of the Savior, and the dead would live again. What plans are you making today to ensure that your funeral speaks as eloquently as your life that “to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21)?

Insight - David’s Building and Loan Association (29:1-9)

Before David’s death, he had diligently gathered a temple-building fund of gold and silver from personal and national contributions that would, by modern standards, be valued at several billion dollars.


2 Chronicles

The Book of 2 Chronicles spans four centuries of Judah’s history, from Solomon's glory days to the Babylonian Exile's conclusion. Following the death of Solomon, a succession of good and bad kings rises to power. As the leaders, so go the people, until finally, the spiritually bankrupt nation is carried off into captivity. But the final verses of 2 Chronicles sparkle with hope. After 70 years, the Persian King Cyrus decrees the rebuilding of God’s house and the return of God’s people.

Walk Thru the Bible


April 20/21

2 Chronicles 1–5 Solomon’s

Temple Erected

Key Passage: 2 Chronicles 1, 5

Walk Thru the Bible


A father’s dream becomes a son’s delight as Solomon undertakes the greatest architectural feat of his lifetime: building the temple in Jerusalem. Large numbers of men and great quantities of materials, plus seven years of Solomon’s life, are invested in the task of completing the house of the Lord. When, at last, the temple stands finished with the ark of the covenant in place, Solomon leads the people and musicians in heartfelt praise to God. “They raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sang....The glory of the Lord filled the temple of God” (5:13-14).

Your Daily Walk

When commissioned by God to do a job, Solomon allowed nothing to stand in the way of completing his God-given assignment. With breathtaking speed, he organized more than 150,000 workers and tons of materials.

Solomon’s zeal and enthusiasm for God left scant time for coffee breaks as long as there was still work to be done. If you were to evaluate your enthusiasm for God’s service, where would it fall on the following scale?

Walk Thru the Bible

This month, you learned to do everything “as working for the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). Now add this thought from 1 Corinthians 10:31—do everything honorably “for the glory of God.”

Insight - Gold, Gold, Everywhere

Nearly every feature of the temple—including the walls, doors, nails, and furnishings involving gold or gold overlay—was made possible by King David (1 Chronicles 22:14), who set aside from his personal treasury 3,750 tons of pure gold. In 1 Chronicles 29:4, David gave an additional 100 tons of gold.


April 22

2 Chronicles 6–9 Solomon’s

Temple Dedicated

Key Passage: 2 Chronicles 6, 9

Walk Thru the Bible


In a setting fit for a king’s inauguration, Solomon now leads the nation in dedicating the newly completed temple to the glory and worship of the God of Israel. Kneeling on a specially constructed bronze scaffold, Solomon prays one of the most majestic and moving invocations found anywhere in the Bible. He overflows with praise to God, thanking Him for His unchanging character and unfailing promises on behalf of the nation. When Solomon finishes, the glory of God fills the temple, prompting the people to respond: “He is good; his love endures forever” (7:3). But even in the midst of worship and rejoicing, there is cause for concern. By night, God appears to Solomon to warn him that if the nation fails to remain true to Him, He will uproot them from their beloved homeland and destroy the magnificent temple which they have labored so long to complete.

Your Daily Walk

What do these three words have in common: salt, magnet, light? Answer: They are all descriptions of your task as a Christian.

Each day that God leaves you here on earth, you are to be like salt (making others thirsty for God), a magnet (drawing others to God), and light (showing the way to God). The queen of Sheba came hundreds of miles to learn of the wisdom and wealth of Israel’s king (9:1). Notice her conclusion: “Praise be to the Lord...who has delighted in you and placed you on his throne as king to rule for the Lord” (9:8). After looking at Solomon’s life, the queen gave glory to Solomon’s God. Is that what happens daily when others rub shoulders with you? Today, remember your God-given role— salt, magnet, light—and practice it.

Insight - Great Achievements of a Great Monarch

Chapter 8 describes more than a dozen of the major accomplishments of Solomon’s reign militarily, architecturally, religiously, and commercially. How many can you find?


April 23

2 Chronicles 10–12

Rehoboam’s Divided Kingdom

Key Passage: 2 Chronicles 10

Walk Thru the Bible


Solomon is barely cold in his grave when the nation turns from worship to waywardness in its commitment to God. Solomon’s son Rehoboam imposes a foolish tax increase, prompting a bitter division of his kingdom. On the verge of civil war with Jeroboam (the newly established king of the northern 10 tribes), Rehoboam obeys the prophet's word and breaks off the conflict. But once his kingdom is established, he forsakes the Law of the Lord yet again. God sends a stinging rebuke in the person of Shishak, king of Egypt, who defeats Rehoboam’s army and plunders the wealth of the Lord’s house.

Your Daily Walk

Is your religion... a spare tire? (You only use it in an emergency.) a wheelbarrow? (Easily upset and must be pushed.) a bus? (You ride it only when it goes your way.) a pacemaker? (You rely on it constantly.)

Rehoboam’s up-and-down spiritual life could be likened to a spare tire. When times were tough, he turned to God; when things were running smoothly, he forsook the Lord. It may remind you of God’s words through the prophet Hosea: “They were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me” (Hosea 13:6).

Take stock of your own life. Are things going smoothly? All bills paid? Enjoying good health? No major conflicts in your family, church, or neighborhood? Job secure? Refrigerator full? Watch out. Satan would love to trip you up by turning your eyes away from the Source of your supply. On the memo line of each check you write today, add the words “Don’t forget!” This might even provide an opportunity to witness for your Lord.

Insight - “Dear Diary, Today I Plundered a Temple...”

Inscriptions found on Egyptian temple walls show Shishak’s military success in plundering the Jerusalem temple during Rehoboam’s reign (12:9). One picture shows Shishak holding a group of Israelites by the hair and hitting them with a club—a painfully accurate rendering.


April 24

2 Chronicles 13–16

Asa’s Reforms

Key Passage: 2 Chronicles 15–16

Walk Thru the Bible


Abijah, king of Judah, is used by God to discipline and defeat Jeroboam, king of Israel. During their battle, 500,000 Israelites fall—a shattering defeat from which Jeroboam will never fully recover. What Abijah accomplishes in the military sphere, Asa attempts to duplicate in the spiritual realm. He removes all traces of foreign religion from the land and commands the people to return to the careful observance of God’s statutes. But toward the end of his reign, Asa faces a threat from Baasha (king of Israel) and seeks an alliance of protection with the king of Syria. Even on his deathbed, he trusts earthly physicians alone, rather than the Great Physician.

Your Daily Walk

Have you ever found yourself in a seemingly hopeless situation where you looked at your circumstances and felt fear? Or despair? Or discouraged? What did you do? Did you try to fix the situation yourself? Or did you ask God to step in? Things were looking bad for King Asa. Baasha, the king of Israel, had sealed off all escape routes, and the situation looked hopeless. So Asa, instead of asking God to help, turned to the king of Syria, Ben-hadad, and bribed him to come to his rescue. From all outward appearances, the strategy worked.

But God saw it differently. Earlier, Asa had trusted in the Lord, not in foreign powers. Now, he turned from trusting in God to trusting in himself, and God disciplined him.

What is the pattern of your life: belief in God or belief in yourself or others? Faith or sight? God or self? Each time you are tempted to rely on yourself, remember that it’s always safe to trust the Lord.

Insight - A Dubious Distinction (16:7-10)

Hanani, the seer who condemned Asa for his reliance on foreign armies rather than on the Lord, becomes the earliest “persecuted prophet” in the pages of the Bible. (Check Luke 11:47-51 for the name of one other man who, though seldom thought of as a prophet, might also claim this rather dubious distinction.)


April 25

2 Chronicles 17-20

Jehoshaphat’s Reforms

Key Passage: 2 Chronicles 17, 20

Walk Thru the Bible


Only 10 verses are given to godly King Jehoshaphat in 1 Kings, but the chronicler devotes a full four chapters to his life, and with good reason. Jehoshaphat knows that the key to spiritual revival in the nation is a renewed interest in and commitment to the Law of the Lord. He institutes a nationwide “Bible study program,” using the princes, Levites, and priests as teachers—an effort that God richly blesses with peace and prosperity. In contrast to his predecessors, Jehoshaphat manages to make peace with the king of Israel. But a friendly visit nearly costs him his life as he becomes entangled in a war between Israel and Syria. His reaction to divine rebuke, his appointment of judges to rule not “for man but for the Lord” (19:6), and his Godward response in the face of crisis all point to the day-by-day reality of his faith.

Your Daily Walk

Chapter 20 describes perhaps the most curious battle scene found anywhere in Scripture. Jehoshaphat leads his army out to confront the combined forces of Moab and Ammon.

His battle plan is simple: “Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you” (20:17). Then as if to add insult to injury, Jehoshaphat selects singers to go before the army and chant choruses of praise. While the singers sing and the soldiers stand at attention, God produces a mighty victory for Judah as the enemy forces “helped to destroy one another” (20:23).

Have you yet learned the lesson Jehoshaphat and the people of God learned? When the battle seems overwhelming, when the enemy is large and imposing, don’t turn and run. Instead, stand still, sing out, and watch God work.

Insight - A Big Mistake

Jehoshaphat’s alliance with Ahab (18:1–19:11) was a serious blunder, fully deserving the rebuke of the prophet Jehu (not to be confused with Jehu, grandson of Nimshi, who later wiped out the line of Ahab). The prophet’s question, “Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord?” (19:2) rebuked Jehoshaphat and prompted him to restore justice and priestly order in Judah.


April 26

2 Chronicles 21-25

Judah’s Kings and Queens

Key Passage: 2 Chronicles 21–22

Walk Thru the Bible


Jehoram’s life proves that a bad marriage can undo even the best of upbringings. Raised by a godly father and grandfather, Jehoram marries the wicked daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, embraces her pagan deities, and leads the nation into idol worship once again. The atmosphere of trust and affection that characterized his father’s administration is replaced by a mood of suspicion and jealousy. As Jehoram’s first public act, he slays all his brothers and many key rulers in the nation—a move designed to secure his position as king, but which, in fact, leads to an excruciating and premature death. In rapid succession, his son, wife, and grandson come to the throne in a tale of family intrigue that must be read to be believed. Joash and Amaziah both become long-reigning kings with halfhearted commitments.

Your Daily Walk

No matter how many good apples you pack around a rotten one, you can’t make the rotten one good. But you can ruin an awful lot of good apples.

The same is true in the relationships people have with each other. One corrupting friendship is enough to drive a person away from God, even in the presence of countless righteous lives—provided that friendship is close enough and lasts long enough to exert its corrupting influence.

That’s why your close friends will mark you for life. That’s why your choice of a life mate is critically important. God clearly states in His Word: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14). Examine your relationships. If you’re courting disaster, make the necessary changes before the “rotten apple” becomes you.

Insight - The Unenviable Life of a Ruler in Judah

All five rulers discussed in today’s reading met violent deaths. Four were murdered, and God struck one with an incurable disease. Half of the 20 rulers in Judah’s history died from unnatural causes.


April 27/28

2 Chronicles 26-28

Ahaz’s Corruption

Key Passage: 2 Chronicles 28

Walk Thru the Bible


King Uzziah does mighty things for the nation of Judah, both militarily and architecturally. But spiritually, his life resembles a roller coaster. “As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success....But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall” (26:5,16). Uzziah dies a leper’s death for his half-hearted devotion to God. By contrast, his grandson Ahaz is wholehearted in his zeal for false gods and pagan practices. Ahaz introduces images of Baal, worship in the heathen high places, and infant sacrifice. Though God repeatedly warns Ahaz of the danger of his ways and to turn the king’s heart back to Him, there is no response. Only one question remains: How long will God’s patience continue with His rebellious people?

Your Daily Walk

In the carpentry business, a 2×4 can come in many different lengths. But every 2×4 has one thing in common: It is about 2 inches thick and 4 inches wide.

When God disciplines an individual or a family or a church or a nation, often He does so with a painful set of circumstances. And though it would be easy to liken such an experience to being “hit over the head with a 2×4,” there is a fundamental difference: 2×4's used like that are for punitive reasons; God’s discipline is therapeutic.

Think back over the life of Ahaz as you have seen it unfold in 2 Chronicles 28 and 2 Kings 16. How did God try to get his attention and change his course of action through defeat in battle? The word of the prophet? Enemy occupation?

Before you are too hard on Ahaz, is there a lesson God has been waiting patiently for you to learn as well?

Insight - A Pagan Practice Punishable by Death

Infant sacrifice by fire was a brutal Canaanite ritual introduced into Judah by Ahaz. Not only was it abhorrent for human reasons, it was also a capital offense under the Mosaic Law, punishable by stoning (Leviticus 20:1-5).


April 29

2 Chronicles 29-32

Hezekiah’s Reforms

Key Passage: 2 Chronicles 29, 32

Walk Thru the Bible


The Assyrian assault and dispersion of Israel are omitted at this point in the Chronicle's account, though they profoundly impact Hezekiah’s life and rule in Judah. Inheriting a disorganized country and a heavy burden of tribute to Assyria, Hezekiah nevertheless puts first things first. In the very first month of his administration, he reopened and repaired the house of the Lord, restored the long-neglected temple worship and Passover celebration, and declared war on idol worship and pagan practices. When the Assyrian King Sennacherib besieges Jerusalem, and the situation looks hopeless, Hezekiah puts his faith to work once again in earnest prayer for deliverance. God answers his plea and crowns his life with prestige and power.

Your Daily Walk

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that someone like Hezekiah prayed for you daily? Here was a man whose every recorded prayer was answered.

Wouldn’t you like to have that kind of “clout” working for you? Then read and ponder the margin’s sermon-in-a-sentence by Robert Murray McCheyne, a Scottish missionary and preacher who never lived to see his 30th birthday. See Hebrews 7:25.

Insight - “Dear Diary, It Was a Bad Day in Jerusalem...”

Sennacherib’s own account of this invasion was found on a clay prism he had made himself. It is now in the Oriental Institute Museum in Chicago and reads in part: “As for Hezekiah, king of Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, 46 of his fortified cities...I besieged and captured...200,150 people...I took it as booty. Hezekiah himself, I shut up like a caged bird in Jerusalem, his royal city. I built a line of forts against him and turned back everyone who came forth out of his city gate.”

No Assyrian king would ever record a defeat, especially one as devastating as the Jerusalem debacle, but it is significant that Sennacherib did not claim to have taken Jerusalem—a most remarkable confirmation of biblical history.


April 30

2 Chronicles 33-36

Judah’s Last Days

Key Passage: 2 Chronicles 34; 36:17-23

Walk Thru the Bible


The final century of Judah’s national history reads like a bad dream. After Manasseh’s 55-year reign of terror and apostasy, even a godly reformer like Josiah is powerless to prick the hearts of the people, though, for a time, he can stem the external appearances of evil. But after his death, the nation swiftly returned to its abominable ways. Oppressed and eventually overthrown by the Babylonians, the people of Judah were slaughtered, their homes and temples destroyed, and their city walls leveled. The survivors are dragged off to Babylon, where they ponder their fate for 70 long years. But amid this doom and destruction shines a ray of hope. Cyrus, king of Persia, issues a decree: The house of the Lord must be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Who among His people is willing to return?

Your Daily Walk

For the Jews, Jerusalem represented their place of greatest failure. To stare at the rubble of what was once mighty Jerusalem—with its shattered temple and broken-down walls—must have broken the heart of even the most callous of God’s people. They had failed Him. They had gone their own sinful ways. And they had been punished.

Now, through Cyrus, God was calling His people back to “the crime scene” for a second chance.

Have you failed God recently and then gone to your own personal exile? Take heart—you are in good company. Abraham, Moses, and Jonah (to name a few) suffered similar setbacks. But they emerged from failure to accomplish great things for God. And you can, too.

Is God calling you back to repentance, back to your family, school, job, or ministry? Will you answer that call—right now?

Insight - Judah’s Final Kings—Brothers in the Business

For more than three centuries, the kingdom of Judah had passed in an orderly fashion from father to son, interrupted only briefly by the reign of Queen Athaliah. But now, in Judah’s final, frantic years, like a top winding down and toppling over, the kingdom passes quickly between three sons and a grandson of Josiah.


Facelifts. Exercise clubs. Makeovers. How-to and self-help books. Surrounding us daily are hundreds of ways we can “improve” ourselves. We eagerly take advertisers up on claims that their products are “new and improved” to make us “new and improved.”

God wants us to be our best. He wants us to be continually upgraded,! But we go wrong when we think we can make such changes independently. God made you first, so only He can make a brand-new you.

How? Through the blood of His Son, the risen Savior, Jesus Christ. Through Him and Him only, each of us can become a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17), with a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 11:19), and a whole new way of life (Romans 6: 4- 11) by accepting His sacrifice to save us. Here’s how:

  • Admit that you are a sinner, justly deserving the penalty of death. (Read Romans 3:23; 6:23; John 8:24.)
  • Acknowledge that God loves you and has provided for your salvation through His Son’s death on the cross (John 3:16; Acts 4:10-12).
  • Accept Christ’s death on your behalf by trusting Him for your salvation and by claiming Him as the new Master of your life (Acts 16:30-31; Romans 3:24-26).

Talk to God right now in prayer. He will hear your heartfelt words of repentance from sin and of acceptance of Christ. And when you do repent and accept Christ, you are saved and welcomed into God’s family. You become His special child, empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit.

Trust God now to save you. Then, take a look in the mirror at a brand-new you.


April 1-16, 2024
March 16-31, 2024
March 1-15, 2024
February 16-29, 2024
Febuary 1-15, 2024
January 16-31, 2024
January 1-15, 2024