AdultPlus Seniors
At Victory Church we are striving to create a community that meets need at every stage of life.
We invite you to embrace and participate in our growing mission to touch the lives of senior adults. Through weekly chapel services, day tours and retreats, The Breakfast Club, specialty classes, and outreach opportunities we stay busy connecting people to Jesus and growing together.

Weekly Chapel Service
Fridays, 9:30-11 AM at Victory's North Campus Chapel
You can also join on Facebook or YouTube for an upbeat service, as we hear the Word of God and join in celebration with others.
- Gospel style worship.
- Short devotional message.
- Gospel concerts and guest speakers.
- Fellowship opportunities after Chapel with lunch at local restaurants.

Opportunities to Connect
Day Tours & Retreats
Various Times & Locations
Day trips via motorcoach in Fall/Winter/Spring months to local and regional attractions. Upcoming events will be announced through our Facebook group, and during Friday Chapel Services.
VictoryLife Classes & Special Groups
Victory Life Classes & Groups are devoted to helping people step into the freedom found in Christ. Through various specialized focus classes & groups, this ministry provides people with the tools necessary to experience life transformation. Topics of study include: growing in your walk with God, understanding God’s design for marriage, overcoming life-controlling issues, dealing with the loss of a loved one, moving forward after a divorce, and much more. Click here for a complete list of all our Victory Life Classes
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club has been meeting on the third Monday of each month for the “Endless Breakfast Buffet” and a program of interest for seniors. We hope to be able to meet again soon and will keep you updated on future opportunities.
We typically meet at the Golden Corral, at 4705 Hwy 98 N., Lakeland, FL 33810. Breakfast is served at 8:30 AM, and the program starts between 9:15 – 9:30. We are usually done by 10 – 10:15 AM.
Opportunities to Serve
Adult Service Transportation
Weekly service times
The Adult Service Transportation Ministry provides two limited 14 passenger bus routes. The majority of the riders are seniors who need extra assistance in attending church. We offer bus transportation for Sunday 9 AM and 6:00 PM services, Wednesday 6:30 PM and Friday 9:30 AM senior chapel service at The Estates at Carpenters. We also offer transportation for the Sunday 9 AM service at Noah’s Landing, a special needs adult community.
For other requests, we put out the word to our VictoryCare Network to see if there is anyone who may be able to adopt an individual or family to bring.
If you are in need of our transportation services click here to submit an application and someone will be in touch with you regarding availability. If you are interested in serving as one of our bus drivers contact Care Pastor, Glenn Procopio at 863-859-6000 for more information, or click here and send an email to the VictoryCare Network. (No CDL required)
VISTE Meal Delivery
1st Wednesday each month | Delivered to VISTE clients
This is a cooperative ministry with the Estates at Carpenters and Volunteers in Service to the Elderly (VISTE). The Estates at Carpenters provides the packaged breakfast, VISTE provides the routes and Victory Church provides the volunteers to deliver the meals. We can always add more routes to our list so if you are interested in being a part of this ministry outreach contact AdultPlus Chaplain, Richard Cooke. Meal pick up is 8 AM at the Estates and routes usually take no more than an hour to an hour and a half.
Dream Center Store/Market Volunteers
Senior volunteers can sign up on a semester basis, 10 weeks on, 7 weeks off. The serve days will be Wednesdays from 10 AM – NOON and the function will be helping folks “shop” for canned food, hygiene items, and clothing, and then ringing up their purchases which will then be paid with vouchers earned by attending Dream Center programs. When traffic is slow, volunteers will be sorting through the bags of donations as well.
Sign-up sheets will be placed in the chapel lobby or you can call the Dream Center at 863.413.0088.
Visitation & DVD Ministry
Various Times, Dates, & Locations
Lead Care Pastor, Glenn Procopio, serves as the team leader with AdultPlus Chaplain, Richard Cooke, and Hospital Visitation Pastor, Esther Haas, along with hundreds of VictoryCare volunteers, to ensure congregational needs are covered and seniors are receiving and involved in ministry. We also provide DVD or CD recordings of all of our services to those who are unable to attend our services.
Call Care Pastor, Glenn Procopio, for more information, or you may send an email to
Senior Advocacy & Caregiver Support
Various Times, Dates, & Locations
Advocacy and support services offer to help individuals and families navigate the transitions of aging as well as help for seniors with life management issues. If we can help you, we will. If we can steer you in the right direction, we will. We deal with people and resources on a daily basis. Your needs are important to us!
Two excellent website resources for seniors and caregivers are Better Living For Seniors-Polk County, a professional coalition of senior service providers of which Victory Church is a part of, and Polk Elder Care Guide, a website with information that will help you wade through the maze of eldercare options and resources in Polk County.
Community Partnerships
Victory Church has developed strategic partnerships within Polk County and the City of Lakeland to help serve our elderly population. We are members in the Polk County Better Living For Seniors Coalition (BLFS) which is a network of senior service professionals and agencies that help coordinate care, educate, and meet needs in our communities. Click here to be re-directed to the BLFS website to obtain resources and provider information to help meet any need that you or your family may have.